Click on each condition for a brief explanation of that condition, more comprehensive information is available in the links at the end of the page which all lead to a PDF which can be downloaded and printed.

What is an Aortic Aneurysm

An aobdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a condition where the main artery running through your abdomen (tummy) has become enlarged like a balloon. This condition is concerning because as these AAAs get bigger so the risk of them bursting also gets higher. Because of this risk, we like to try and fix them before that happens. However, the surgery is quite major surgery and thus carries risk, we do not offer repair to everyone straight away. We simply keen a close eye on smaller aneurysms but once they reach 5.5cm we start to think about repair.

WHat is Claudication

Claudication describes the painful muscle cramps that come on in the calf, thigh or buttock when you walk. The problem is caused by a reduced blood supply in the affected muscle and is brought on by walking. Rushing or walking uphill is especially troublesome. Treatment can involve major surgery or a stent in the leg but most people will not require any intervention at all.

Peripheral arterial disease

This is a disease of the arteries which causes a reduction in blood flow to the legs. This is sometimes referred to as hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis. It is more common the elderly and men. and can be cause through many things. (Smoking, High Blood Pressure, High cholesterol and diabetes). It has three main effects; the muscles may ache when you walk. Some people experience a pain in their foot, which comes on even at rest and can keep them awake at night. A few will have ulcers or gangrene that will not heal without intervention.


There has been a lot of hype about this group of medications. Many people are worried about the side effects some of which sound truly bad. One of the problems here is that it can be difficult to shake off a bad reputation even when there is proof to the contrary. With Statins much of the excitement and hype is quite simply not supported in fact.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are abnormal skin veins of the legs. They occur as a consequence of leaky valves allowing a high pressure to build up in the veins lower down, causing them to enlarge. They may vary from large unsightly veins that have been described as “bunches of grapes”, right down to tiny thread or spider veins that some people have.

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